Yeoman Wiki

A missile is an individual missile (as opposed to a salvo, which is a group of missiles working together).

Parent Class[]


  • Tech_Level -- This integer value is the tech level of the world which built this missile.
  • Max_Gs -- This integer value is the maximum acceleration (in Gs) the missile is allowed to spend during any one turn.
  • GTurns -- This integer value is the total amount of G-turns that the missile has remaining. Once this value hits zero, the missile can no longer adjust its movement.
  • Laser_YN -- This boolean value says whether or not the missile can be controlled by a laser communicator.
  • Maser_YN -- This boolean value says whether or not the missile can be controlled by a maser (i.e.: tight-beam radio) communicator.
  • Controller -- This links back to the specific black box that is currently controlling this missile. Usually, this will initially be the specific socket which launched the missile in the first place.


  • Pass_Control -- This function allows the current controller to pass control of the missile to some other valid black box (i.e.: a missile socket; a laser or maser-comm; or a MFD).

